Our Modules

Accounting & Royalties

If bean counting is your thing then you’ll love EasyTrack. We can track and allocate all of your expenditure and revenue, in any currency, then automatically run through your disbursement waterfall to give you an exact overview at anytime on your asset recoupment and disbursements. Tightly integrated into all streams of EasyTrack, capturing approvals and automatic alerts along the way, the rest of your team will also benefit from a cohesive and unified system.


As the saying goes, Content is King. To ensure you can manage your kingdom, EasyTrack handles all your Titles and associated details in a clean, simple and easy-to-use module. Coupled with more advanced functionality of participation reporting, website integration and content management, EasyTrack will become your source of truth for your whole team through easy look-ups and reporting.


Sales is the sexy side of the business, but as we all know behind the scenes there’s a lot going on to make it all happen. EasyTrack captures all the sales details and allows the whole team to contribute and be informed as and when tasks need completing. The Agreements module looks after all the details and streamlines and improves productivity, not only for the sales team but also for management, finance and operations.

CRM & Leads

As we know, it’s all about relationships. Luckily we’ve got you covered. Our CRM system is central to EasyTrack. Company and Contact information is quick and easy to find, including previous sales details and potential sales leads – and fully GDPR compliant.

If you haven’t realised already, spreadsheets are so last century! Our Leads tracking system allows you to easily capture what you’ve pitched and to whom. Throw in the mix the capability to track this against sales targets and forecasts, then you’ve got a powerful tool that the sales team (and management) will wonder how they ever coped without.

Digital Assets

Freight management is no more – it’s all about files now. Through years of experience EasyTrack has adapted too, allowing you to manage your digital assets embedded within all EasyTrack modules. Digital assets can be automatically ‘shared’ to licensees based upon sales triggers. Other functionality includes embargo blackouts, granular permissions and corporate IOT policy handling.


It's so annoying when you can’t find that document. With our multi-linked document management system, you’ll always have quick and easy access to all your important files from anywhere you want – all neatly and smartly linked through to their associated items in EasyTrack.


If tech is your calling, then EasyTrack gives you and your team all the tools required to efficiently and productively handle all your operations. From incoming content to outgoing deliveries, EasyTrack has bespoke and integrated functionality to ensure you are across all aspects and milestones in relation to all your content. Further integrations through our API offer enhanced capabilities for the team alongside your MAM or other file storage and delivery systems.


No matter how complicated, EasyTrack will ensure your rights are captured in an efficient and easy-to-use manner. Avails are easily accessed at any time giving you a snapshot of potential opportunities as well as reporting to key stakeholders. Through advanced functionality, rights blocking, history tracking and multi-event date triggering we’ll keep you across all your rights, so you can sit back and relax (or move onto the next project!)

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